New CEO Sandra says, ‘Beaver Trust’s work gives me hope. It is making a real, immediate and practical difference to turning around the climate and ecological crises we face.’
Read our latest thought provoking blogs and keep up-to-date with everything we’ve been getting up to.
New CEO Sandra says, ‘Beaver Trust’s work gives me hope. It is making a real, immediate and practical difference to turning around the climate and ecological crises we face.’
Nick Acheson says, ‘Visiting the enclosure where these beavers live, last autumn, shortly after they arrived, was far more powerful an experience than I’d imagined.’
Communications Director Eva Bishop says, ‘As a science communicator and climate activist, I want others to hear how wrong the messaging is around climate policy’
Nick Wilson-Smith says, ‘Perhaps the reason why as a species, we are so attached to trees is that we are not so dissimilar ourselves.’
Major Andy Cox says, ‘If beavers chose emblems to represent their families, I would hope that at least one would choose a human soldier’
Josh Harris says, ‘Understanding where beavers are spreading across the country and creating effective beaver management systems is also important to our development of an English Beaver Strategy.’
Keep up to date with the latest beaver news.
Registered charity number 1185451 in England and Wales.
Registered office: 61 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJ
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