The Lodgecast


A podcast brought to you by Beaver Trust as we start to welcome beavers back to our rivers and explore the state of nature in the UK.

Hosted by Beaver Trust’s Sophie Pavelle and Eva Bishop and produced by Emma Brisdion from ‘For What It’s Earth’ podcast, The Lodge Cast features fabulous guests discussing topics ranging from nature prescriptions, beavers, river health, environmental policy to climate, eco anxiety and much more!

Listen now on Apple PodcastsSpotify or via the Podbean links below.

Latest episode

With Lee we reflect on the lessons learnt from the previous three discussions in Series 4, and look ahead to the all-important: ‘what’s next?’ in Britain’s journey with beavers, and regenerative agriculture. 

Meet your hosts

Eva Bishop

Head of Communications

Sophie Pavelle

Sophie Pavelle

Communications Coordinator


Absolutely fascinating & light hearted podcast giving us lots of beaver facts& puns that would make a Carry screen writer spit out out their tea…..

Bob Beaman 28/03/2023

My only problem is that it is not on more often.

Devon AI 16/03/2023

A favourite podcast! Fascinating, entertaining, informative, inspiring, and beautifully presented. The Lodge Cast makes me wish that I had land and a river to offer for beaver restoration. Thank you 🙂

birdsnbugs 10/03/2023
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