Making space for beavers
The majority of beaver conflicts arise within areas immediately adjacent to freshwater habitats
After humans, beavers alter their environment more than any other organism on the planet.
This ability to create wetlands by building dams plays a crucial role in freshwater ecology, species biodiversity, riparian restoration and provides important services such as water management but it can create conflicts in modern, often heavily modified landscapes.
The majority of these conflicts can be managed by employing well-established techniques. Find out more about the various beaver management techniques below or contact our restoration team for further information and support.
Head of Restoration
Restoration Manager
Field Officer
Restoration Project Officer
Our restoration team have worked on beaver reintroduction projects across Britain and Europe and are highly experienced in beaver management and conflict resolution. If you own of manage land that is affected by beavers email them at for FREE advice.
The majority of beaver conflicts arise within areas immediately adjacent to freshwater habitats
Download a copy of our leaflet which summarises beaver management!
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Registered charity number 1185451 in England and Wales.
Registered office: 61 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJ
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