Beaver wordsearch
Find 10 words that relate to our favourite rodent. After you’ve found each word, find out why it’s important in the answers.
Join the dots
Connect the dots in numerical order to reveal the beaver.
We produce a wide range of content to promote cross-curricular learning which jointly promotes awareness of beavers.
Beavers can teach us so much about the natural world and our relationship with it. We’ve designed these downloadable activities to be fun and informational, so what are you waiting for? Get stuck in and enjoy!
Great for story-telling, colouring, cutting activities and playing at home, print, cut-out and colour this beaver mask – and don’t forget to share it with us on social!
Help Justin beaver find his way back to the family lodge with our maze sheets – easy or hard options available.
Find 10 words that relate to our favourite rodent. After you’ve found each word, find out why it’s important in the answers.
Connect the dots in numerical order to reveal the beaver.
Download and follow these instructions to build your own beaver dam and see the impact it has.
Print the species cards to learn about how beavers affect the wildlife around them.
Indulge your senses in this selection of artwork celebrating the beaver’s return to Britain. Music, poetry, short stories, painting, illustration, ceramics, film, plasticine, needlework, what else can you think of?…. and what can you submit to us?
Keep up to date with the latest beaver news.
Registered charity number 1185451 in England and Wales.
Registered office: 61 Bridge Street, Kington, HR5 3DJ
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