Science database
We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.
This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.
Showing 551 articles
Felling and foraging: results of the first year of beaver (Castor fiber) activity in an enclosed Scottish site
Published by: Lutra
31st December 2003
This study preceded the trial reintroduction of beavers to Scotland. Predictions of their impact had been made based on data from other European countries. This study aimed to improve those predictions by examining beavers in captivity in Eastern Scotland. The first year of monitoring showed that willow trees were most favored for felling, with alder and birch also affected. The study also presents data on beavers' preferences for tree size and location, as well as the rate at which they felled trees.
Life-History Characteristics of the Endangered Salish Sucker (Catostomus sp.) and Their Implications for Management
Published by: Copeia
4th December 2003
In this study, scientists researched the behaviour and habitat of a fish species called the Salish Sucker in British Colombia, Canada. One of their findings was that this species rarely crossed beaver dams.
Beaver herbivory of willow under two flow regimes: A comparative study on the Green and Yampa rivers
Published by: Western North American Naturalist
3rd December 2003
This study compared beaver willow-eating patterns and willow tree distribution on two rivers in Colorado, USA: one free-flowing, the other whose flow is regulated by a man-made dam. Despite similar willow abundance in both rivers, beavers cut significantly more willow on the latter river because the regulated flow created island patches near the water, making the willow more easily available to beavers.
Normal ocular features, conjunctival microflora and intraocular pressure in the Canadian beaver (Castor canadensis)
Published by: Veterinary Ophthalmology
1st December 2003
This study examined the eyes of sixteen healthy beavers from Canada. Eye structure, bacterial and fungal flora, and intraocular pressure were measured. Typical Canadian beaver eyes have circular pupils and a third eyelid; most eyes had bacteria but no fungi. Their retinas lack blood vessels. Please note, this resource is not open-access.
Time budgets and sex differences in the Eurasian beaver
Published by: Animal Behaviour
1st December 2003
Six pairs of Eurasian beavers in Norway had their daily routines studied over two years, with researchers tracking the time spent traveling, eating, and being in their lodge. They found that males spent more time traveling than females, but otherwise, there were no significant differences. While the study had a small sample size, it provides evidence that male and female beavers share similar responsibilities in caring for their offspring. Please note, this resource is not open-access.