Science database
We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.
This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.
Showing 650 articles
Beaver dams maintain native fish biodiversity by increasing habitat heterogeneity throughout a low-gradient stream network
Published by: Freshwater Biology
1st July 2013
Ecologists studied how beaver dams impact fish biodiversity. In theory, more diverse habitats should be good for biodiversity, but real-world evidence was lacking. This study looked at several beaver dams and examined the stream habitats that were created. They found that the number and diversity of fish was positively associated with habitat diversity. They also found that beaver dams contribute to habitat diversity. This study highlights the importance of beavers in maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems. Please note, this resource is not open-access.
Reference-free SNP discovery for the Eurasian beaver from restriction site-associated DNA paired-end data
Published by: Molecular Ecology
1st July 2013
In this study, scientists wanted to find genetic markers to keep track of Eurasian beavers in Scotland after being brought back. Since there was no exact map of beavers' genes, they made their own to identify over 2,500 markers. They report on two different tests which show that this method works well.
Captive Management Guidelines for Eurasian Beavers (Castor fiber)
Published by: Royal Zoological Society of Scotland
1st June 2013
This report was the first document to offer comprehensive advice on managing Eurasian beavers in captivity, including for translocations and reintroductions. It covers themes related to beaver welfare: how to capture them, how to build a safe enclosure, what to feed them, what health and veterinary care is required. The report also touches on aspects of beavers' behaviour, ecology, and history. With this text, the contributors aimed to improve beaver welfare and support successful reintroduction efforts.
Proximate weather patterns and spring green-up phenology effect Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) body mass and reproductive success: The implications of climate change and topography
Published by: Global Change Biology
1st April 2013
This study compared weather patterns, plant growth, beaver health, and beaver reproduction over 11 years. They found that beavers were less healthy after cold winters, warmer springs, and wetter springs. These were impacts not only related to the climate but also the local habitat. For example, wet springs may lead to lots of tasty bushes growing, but those which are near the water (and so accessible to beavers) may get waterlogged and struggle. Beavers can't access the tasty bushes which are further away. Understanding these interactions helps develop effective conservation strategies amid climate change.
Spatial spread of Eurasian beavers in river networks: a comparison of range expansion rates
Published by: Journal of Animal Ecology
21st January 2013
A new method for tracking beaver dispersal was developed and tested in the Czech Republic. This text describes the method and the results, which provide more accurate estimates of beaver dispersal. This is important for predicting species' future spread and evaluating management strategies. Beavers spread around 15-20 km/yr along the main river routes.