Science database
We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.
This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.
Showing 650 articles
Agonistic behavior between introduced beaver (Castor canadensis) and endemic culpeo fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus lycoides) in Tierra del Fuego Island and implications
Published by: Acta Ethologica
3rd November 2017
Introduced beavers have thrived in southern Patagonia due to habitat availability and absence of predators. This article demonstrates for the first time that Culpeo foxes, an endangered native species in this area, prey on beavers under natural conditions. The event was caught on video and analysed for this article. This interaction suggests foxes may help control beaver populations in this area.
The preferences of the European beaver Castor Fiber for trees and shrubs in riparian zones
Published by: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
1st November 2017
The study aimed to understand what trees Eurasian beavers prefer in different sites in eastern Poland. Willows, aspens, and alders were most commonly cut. Tree size and proximity to water also influenced the likelihood of a given tree being cut.
Exposure of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) towards hunters during the spring hunt
Published by: University of South-Eastern Norway
1st November 2017
This study in Norway looked at Eurasian beaver behaviour and birthing times and how this overlaps with Norway's hunting season. Researchers found that younger beavers are more likely to be shot, regardless of sex. Pregnant females' movement patterns are similar to other beavers'. However, after giving birth (most commonly in mid-May), females are less active for a time, which enabled them to avoid hunters in the spring season. This may change as climate change affects the seasons.
Restricted cross-scale habitat selection by American beavers
Published by: Current Zoology
25th October 2017
This was the first study to try to understand how North American beavers select their habitat across different spatial scales, using beavers in an area of the USA as a data source. They found that the same factors appeared to influence beavers' decisions to settle in a specific area within the landscape, and a specific site within that area. Beavers here preferred areas with more woody wetland and less open water, for example, which likely gave them easier and safer places to forage.
Presence of Antibodies to Leptospira spp. in Black-tailed Prairie Dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and Beavers (Castor canadensis) in Northwestern Mexico
Published by: Journal of Wildlife Diseases
1st October 2017
This study tested beavers and prairie dogs from an area of Mexico for evidence of a specific bacterium. This bacteria can infect mammals including humans. Whilst no animals showed any clinical sign of the disease, both species were producing antibodies to the bacteria, indicating that the bacteria was around. The text also notes that little is known about beavers in Mexico.