Science database
We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.
This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.
Showing 650 articles
Survey of Beaver-related Restoration Practices in Rangeland Streams of the Western USA
Published by: Environmental Management
1st January 2018
This study analysed almost 100 real-world beaver restoration projects in the western USA. It found most projects did not consider beaver genetics, disease, or human conflict; most did not undertake any post-release monitoring. Overall, the research on best practice for such projects is not being matched by projects in practice: the authors suggested that additional guidelines should be written up to help improve the situation.
Ectoparasitic Insects Genera of Veterinary Importance and Some Aspects of Their Control
Published by: American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
1st January 2018
This article discussed various pests like flies, lice, fleas, and bugs: their impact on animal health and methods for control. It emphasised early detection and integrated pest management. The text describes how both species of modern-day beaver host a type of parasite called the 'beaver beetle.'
Methodological requirements for identifying lodges colonized by European beavers Castor fiber l. with the use of thermal imaging technology – preliminary results
Published by: Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
1st January 2018
In this document, scientists showed how thermal imaging can help confirm the presence of active beaver colonies. However, pre-existing survey methods, such as tracking, led to different results. The text discussed how best to use this thermal imaging method for surveying beaver colonies. In Figure 1, it also shows what a beaver lodge looks like in a thermal image!
Effects of beaver dams on the zooplankton assemblages in four temperate lowland streams (NW Poland)
Published by: Biologia
30th December 2017
Beaver ponds alter streams, creating more spots with still water rather than flowing water. This favours different species. This study looked at beaver dams' impact on tiny organisms called zooplankton in Polish streams. The dams led to more zooplankton which are often found in reservoirs - another still-water environment. The diversity of zooplankton also increased downstream of the dams.
Comparative Metagenomics of Cellulose- and Poplar Hydrolysate-Degrading Microcosms from Gut Microflora of the Canadian Beaver (Castor canadensis) and North American Moose (Alces americanus) after Long-Term Enrichment
Published by: Frontiers in Microbiology
20th December 2017
Researchers analysed the digestive systems of North American beavers and moose; the beaver was studied by taking poo samples. The study was looking for enzymes useful for digesting woody material and their associated gene. The study found over 9,000 related genes, with many differences in enzyme profiles between the two animals.