Science database


We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.

This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.

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Showing 650 articles

Causes of death of beavers (Castor fiber) from eastern Germany and observations on parasites, skeletal diseases and tooth anomalies—a long-term analysis

Published by: Mammal Research

20th October 2018

This article compiles information on the causes of death of Eurasian beavers in Germany, from 1930 to 2009. Traffic accidents have been the main cause of death since the 1980s - infections the main natural casue of death. Routine collection and analysis of dead beavers stopped in the region in 2009 but the authors suggest that ongoing surveillance would be important for monitoring the prevalence of certain pathogens and parasites, amongst other things. Please note, this resource is not open-access.

Reintegrating the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) in the urban landscape

Published by: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water

11th October 2018

This paper explores the opportunity of combining urban ecological restoration with the engineering behaviours of beavers. It analyses three case studies in Seattle, USA, to understand how landscape architects and ecologists are incorporating beavers into urban designs to enhance ecosystem functions and reduce potential conflicts. The paper includes maps of each site to show how beavers have impacted the original designs.

Survey of the Tayside area beaver population 2017-2018

Published by: NatureScot

1st October 2018

Beaver distribution and density has increased compared to a 2012 survey in Tayside, with activity recorded in various areas. 114 active territories were identified in this study, estimating around 433 beavers. Spatial variability was evident, with areas of expansion and infilling, along with smaller areas of habitat abandonment potentially through culling. Potential management issues were found, including dam building, collapsed burrows and tree felling.

“Beaver in Croatia” – 20 years later

Published by: 8th International Beaver Symposium

18th September 2018

This presentation recounts the story of reintroducing beavers to Croatia, a story which started in 1992. By 2011, around 400 beaver families lived in Croatia, occupying many rivers in the western half of the country. The presentation suggests a management plan is needed to protect beavers and manage their impacts on agriculture. Please note, this resource is not open-access.

Selective Foraging on Tree and Shrub Species by the European Beaver Castor fiber in Lowland and Highland Habitats in Western Poland

Published by: Polish Journal of Ecology

1st September 2018

In this article, scientists write about the finding that Eurasian beavers' food choices in Poland are influenced by their habitat and the availability of different tree species. In lowlands, they preferred willow and poplar species. In the highlands, they favoured hazel and rowan due to limited willow and poplar availability. Beavers in highlands also had to travel further for food and ended up cutting larger trees.

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