Science database


We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.

This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.

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Showing 650 articles

Evidence of Leptospira species and their significance during reintroduction of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) to Great Britain

Published by: Veterinary Record

19th August 2019

Scientists tested beavers from Scotland, England, Norway, and Germany for a type of disease which can kill them, and so impact on reintroduction efforts. Seven out of 151 beavers showed exposure. No significant health issues were observed, indicating only a low-level of infection by this disease in the beavers being brought back to Britain.

Unravelling perceptions of Eurasian beaver reintroduction in Great Britain

Published by: Area

8th August 2019

This paper investigates the complex social dimensions of wildlife reintroductions, and that the need to recognise societal perceptions is crucial for developing a management strategy that garners social support and minimizes conflicts.
Four social areas that decision-makers should consider were identified: social dimensions, including stakeholder perceptions, engagement methods, legal protection, management responsibilities, and support for management techniques.

Causes and consequences of inverse density‐dependent territorial behaviour and aggression in a monogamous mammal

Published by: Journal of Animal Ecology

7th August 2019

In this study, scientists studied how Eurasian beavers in Norway respond to intruders. Observations showed that, at lower population densities, beavers reacted more strongly to intrusions, showing more territorial behaviours and aggression. This result fitted into an expanding body of research understanding how population density affects beaver behaviour around, for example, dispersal from the place they were born.

Sedimentation rate of suspended matter and its chemical composition in beaver water bodies in the State Nature Reserve «Privolzhskaya Lesostep’» (European Russia)

Published by: Nature Conservation Research

1st August 2019

This experiment measured sedimentation rates in beaver ponds and oxbow lakes along a river in Russia. Beaver ponds showed higher sedimentation rates, with the sediment containing less organic matter than in oxbow lakes. The text described how different beaver activities may have influenced these results, affecting biodiversity and potentially increasing pollutants like phosphorus and zinc. Please note, this article is written in Russian, although the (fairly long) abstract is available in English.

First Insights Into Bacterial Gastrointestinal Tract Communities of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber)

Published by: Frontiers in Microbiology

25th July 2019

This study was the first to explore the bacterial communities present in the guts of the Eurasian beaver. It found that different gut compartments, like the cecum and colon, had different bacteria. These bacteria help in breaking down plant material the beavers eat. The study showed how the distribution of bacteria differed from that of the North American beaver.

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