Science database


We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.

This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.

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Showing 659 articles

Beaver as a renewable resource: A beaver dam handbook for the Baltic Sea Region

Published by: Swedish Forestry Agency

1st July 2020

This book covers a wide range of topics related to managing the relatively dense beaver populations in the countries around the Baltic Sea. It covers laws in each country, beavers' ecological impacts, and their potential socio-economic impacts. It also sets out different options for managing beaver populations, including specific engagement methods, tools for decision-making, and physical techniques for protecting certain environments. The book aims to foster cross-border learning. Inside, you can even find a number of beaver recipes.

Analysis of changes in distribution of Eurasian beaver Castor fiber families based on evaluation of beaver activity signs in north-eastern Slovakia (2018/2019)

Published by: Roczniki Beiszczadzkie

30th June 2020

This article examines how beavers are distributed across a large area of eastern Slovakia, comparing observations (of features such as lodges, gnawed trees, and dams) across a period of 4 years. It estimates that around 34 beaver families are living in an area of 805 square kilometres, a signifcant increase during this period. The authors calculate a variety of quantitative metrics to describe the current population and distribution of beavers.

Beaver effects on macroinvertebrate assemblages in two streams with contrasting morphology

Published by: Science of the Total Environment

20th June 2020

This paper explored how the shape of the landscape influences beavers' impact on biodiversity and water quality. It compared two areas where beavers live in Switzerland: one a flat, open basin; the other a steeper, ravine-like basin. Both sites had some things in common (such as how the chemistry of the water evolved over the seasons) but also differed in many ways. The two sites, for example, supported different types of invertebrates, including insects. The impact of beavers, therefore, must take into account the nature of the surrounding landscape!

Dogs can scent-match individual Eurasian beavers from their anal gland secretion

Published by: Wildlife Biology

27th May 2020

This study tested if dogs could match individual Eurasian beavers using their anal gland secretions. Dogs successfully matched beavers with almost 90% accuracy, suggesting they can be a reliable alternative to DNA analysis and live trapping in monitoring beavers for conservation projects.

Hydrological functioning of a beaver dam sequence and regional dam persistence during an extreme rainstorm

Published by: Hydrological Processes

23rd May 2020

After a record flood in the Canadian Rocky Mountains in 2013, scientists examined how beaver dams had fared. The aim was to bring evidence to the ongoing debate around whether beaver dams fail during extreme weather events (with the subsequent risk that such failures could make flood situations worse rather than better). The results showed that most beaver dams did not fail. Even those that did fail still stored significant amounts of water, delaying floodwaters downstream. This finding supports the potential importance of beavers in climate adaptation. Please note, this resource is not open-access.

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