Science database


We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.

This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.

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Showing 659 articles

Beaver genetic surveillance in Britain

Published by: Global Ecology and Conservation

16th September 2020

This study investigated the genetic composition of two originally unofficially released beaver populations in Britain - Tayside, east Scotland, and River Otter, Devon, to provide data to support decision on their future management. Both wild populations were all confirmed as Eurasian beaver with their origin likely from Germany and the mixed founder population of Bavaria.
82% of the Tayside individuals examined were at least as closely related as first cousins, and the Devon beavers were more closely related on average.
So far, there is no evidence to suggest the reduced genetic diversity is causing and issues adapting to the British environment, however attention to genetic augmentation and longer-term management of genetic diversity should be factored into future restoration plans.

Food caching behavior of the Eurasian beaver in northern Europe

Published by: Wildlife Biology

16th September 2020

Beavers store food in caches to survive winters when food is scarce. This study examined Eurasian beavers' food caches in Sweden, Norway, and Lithuania. Most beavers began storing food in late September to mid-October. Cahces were deeper in Sweden but larger overall in Lithuania. Beavers tended to start storing food when temperatures got colder.

Smokey the Beaver: beaver-dammed riparian corridors stay green during wildfire throughout the western United States

Published by: Ecological Applications: Ecological Society of America

2nd September 2020

Using remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data, this research compares riparian vegetation greenness in areas with and without beaver damming during wildfire. Beaver-dammed riparian corridors remain relatively unaffected by wildfire compared to similar corridors without damming, with the decrease in NVDI being 3.05 lower. The researchers conclude that while beaver activity does not necessarily play a role in riparian vegetation post-fire resilience, it does play a significant role in riparian vegetation fire resistance and refugia creation.

Sooner, closer, or longer: detectability of mesocarnivores at camera traps

Published by: Journal of Zoology

1st September 2020

Camera trapping is important for wildlife management. This text proposes that 'detectability' should be structured along three dimensions: the time until first detected, the proximity to the camera's focal point, and the duration of exposure. They demonstrate the usefulness of this structure by trying to film four different species, showing also that beaver scents can be improve detectability by luring animals to the camera.

Beavers: The original engineers of Britain’s fresh waters

Published by: British Wildlife

31st August 2020

After centuries of absence, beavers are once again transforming landscapes in Britain. This article describes some of the socio-economic benefits as well as the changes that they make to local habitats and a variety of different species. It discusses experience from elsewhere in Europe around human-beaver conflicts and how these can be managed.

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