Science database


We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.

This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.

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Beavers in lakes: a review of their ecosystem impact

Published by: Aquatic Ecology

31st August 2020

In streams, beaver dams can change flowing water to ponds; in lakes, they conserve and improve the diversity of still-water habitats. By digging channels, beavers connect up a variety of habitats, altering vegetation and water levels. This affects various organisms like invertebrates, fish, and birds. The author acknowledged that studying beavers' impacts on lakes is challenging because it's not always easy to find a similar enough lake (without a beaver) to compare it to. Please note, this resource is not open-access.

Beaver-induced spatiotemporal patch dynamics affect landscape-level environmental heterogeneity

Published by: Environmental Research Letters

27th August 2020

This study analyses 49 years of data following beavers being reintroduced to an area of Finland. As beavers moved from place to place, different sites in the area were flooded, drained, and sometimes re-flooded. This created a mosaic of different habitats which was constantly changing over time - specific sites were flooded for an average of only three years. This diversity of habitats supported diverse species communities, making beavers valuable for habitat restoration.

First test for eradication of beavers (Castor canadensis) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

Published by: Biological Invasions

25th August 2020

In 1946, North American beavers were introduced to Argentina to develop a fur trade. Their incredible expansion since then has prompted Argentina and Chile to explore eradicating the population. This article reports on a pilot eradication test in 2014 which captured 115 beavers. It talks about how future eradication efforts need to account for the type of trap being used in different types of environment. It also sets out how data collection can be improved with digital technology. Please note, this resource is not open-access.

Introduced beaver improve growth of non-native trout in Tierra del Fuego, South America

Published by: Ecology and Evolution

20th August 2020

North American beavers and brown trout do not live in the same places naturally, but both are invasive species in Chile. This study explored their interactions, finding that beavers supported trout growth by providing more food, and more diverse food at that.

Population and distribution of beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis in Eurasia

Published by: Mammal Review

19th August 2020

Eurasian beaver populations were reduced to ~1,200 animals, but have recovered through reintroductions and natural spread, now reaching around 1.5 million. Range expansion has been rapid, with beavers re-established in most of their former European range and parts of Siberia. Genetic studies have shown two surviving clades. Future increases in populations and impacts on freshwater systems are expected and the researchers state that beaver management should be integrated into densely populated regions.

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