Science database
We have gathered decades of scientific research from Great Britain, continental Europe and North America to share with people interested in diving deeper into the world of beavers.
This list of resources is being constantly amended and updated.
Showing 650 articles
Using an IBI to assess effectiveness of mitigation measures to replace loss of a wetland-stream ecosystem
Published by: Wetlands
1st June 2004
In the USA, a complex of several small beaver ponds was destroyed for construction and some new wetlands were built to replace it. Despite meeting regulations, this study shows that the replacement wetlands didn't fully restore the original ecosystem. Fish populations decreased, with fewer native species and a disproportionate negative impact on species which prefer flowing water as a habitat. Researchers used the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) as a tool to understand this change. Please note, this resource is not open-access.
This study describes the Eurasian beaver’s return to Luxembourg. Researchers describe beaver activity along a river between 2000 and 2002, demonstrating a preference for cutting willow trees, especially those which are small and close to the water. This matches findings in other places and shows the importance of riverside plants for beaver conservation.
Published by: Canadian Journal of Zoology
1st June 2004
This study explored whether, and how, Scandinavian beavers distinguish between subspecies. Beavers were found to react more to castoreum scents than anal gland secretions. They found that beavers responded more to scents from their own subspecies, suggesting they can distinguish between them. This ability likely developed due to geographic isolation.
Rapid establishment of fish in isolated peatland beaver ponds
Published by: Wetlands
1st June 2004
In this paper, researchers explored the role beavers play on fish populations in peatlands. They studied 16 beaver ponds of different ages and three untouched peatlands. No fish were found in the untouched peatlands but different species of fish were found in the ponds. This shows how beavers enhance biodiversity in boreal regions and improves our understanding of their role as ecosystem engineers. Please note, this resource is not open-access.
Endoparasites of the beaver Castor fiber (L.) in northeast Poland
Published by: Helminthologia
1st June 2004
Researchers examined beavers and their faecal matter in Poland between 1998-2000. They were looking for parasites, and the text reports the different species of parasitic worm that were found, how common each species was, and how dangerous it was for the beavers.
Wetland nitrogen dynamics in an Adirondack forested watershed
Published by: Hydrological Processes
12th May 2004
This article reports on several months' worth of monitoring nitrogen levels in a stream, a riparian peatland, and beaver meadow in the USA. A complex set of dynamics are reported. Peatland groundwater had much more variable nitrogen concentration levels but this did not affect the stream's nitrogen levels much because the groundwater contributed a lot less to the stream than the surface water. Please note, this resources is not open-access.